Widely known for the quality of its choreography and dancers, PNB always puts on a good show under the artistic direction of former New York City Ballet dancer Peter Boal.
Season Highlights: The Times Are Racing (Sep 20–29)
McCaw Hall, 321 Mercer St; pnb.org
The Grammy Award–winning Seattle Symphony raises its instruments for a wide range of shows—from classical to pops—in downtown’s acoustically exceptional Benaroya Hall.
Season Highlights: Ravel & Shostakovich (Sep 19, 21)
Benaroya Hall, 200 University St; seattlesymphony.org
The mission of this regional theater is to reflect the diverse cultures, perspectives, and life experiences that make the Pacific Northwest what it is.
Season Highlights: Thornton Wilder’s The Skin of Our Teeth (Sep 26–Oct 30)
155 Mercer St; seattlerep.org
A community hub with five performance spaces, ACT aims to marry artistic ambition and civic engagement, sparking conversation with its works.
Season Highlights: POTUS (Sep 7–22) and Mrs. Loman is Leaving (Oct 12–27)
700 Union St; acttheatre.org
This 1926 theater in downtown provides a beautiful backdrop for touring musicals and Broadway-bound premieres.
Season Highlights: Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins (Nov 22–Dec 22)
1308 Fifth Ave; 5thavenue.org
At Seattle Center, this innovative opera company tackles both long-beloved shows and world premieres with gusto.
Season Highlights: Jubilee (Oct 12–25)
McCaw Hall, 321 Mercer St; seattleopera.org
Seattle’s oldest improv theater is easy to find—just look for the wall covered in bubblegum. Inside, they host a slate of recurring shows based on audience input.
Season Highlights: Loose Cannons Improv (Thursdays at 8 p.m.); Black Ice: An American Sitcom (Sundays at 7 p.m.)
1428 Post Alley; unexpectedproductions.org
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