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Crowdsourced | Trailer

Series Overview

Imagine taking a trip to a new destination without access to your phone, technology in general or even a newspaper. The only thing you have to rely on: the locals that surround you. Welcome to Crowdsourced.

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Four Seasons Hotel Seattle

  • Address: 99 Union St, Seattle WA 98101
  • Neighborhood: Downtown Seattle
  • Phone: (206) 749-7000
  • Website: www.fourseasons.com

Paramount Hotel Seattle

  • Address: 724 Pine St, Seattle WA 98101
  • Neighborhood: Downtown Seattle
  • Phone: (206) 292-9500
  • Website: paramounthotelseattle.com

The Edgewater Hotel

  • Address: 2411 Alaskan Way, Pier 67, Seattle WA 98121
  • Neighborhood: Downtown Seattle
  • Phone: (206) 792-5959
  • Website: edgewaterhotel.com