The Museum of Flight

The Museum of Flight

Museums Southside Seattle

The Museum of Flight offers an array of unique event venues, exciting experiences, exquisite catering, and experienced staff to provide everything you need to host a high-flying affair!

All event spaces offer a one-of-a-kind atmosphere, such as: an opulent six-story glass-enclosed space featuring dozens of dramatic aircraft including the iconic Blackbird spy plane; the historic original Boeing Airplane Company building offers a warm, rustic appeal with its wooden architecture, mullioned windows and airy skylights; while a modern gallery features space vehicles and artifacts from 1980-present day, including the 100-foot long, four story high NASA Space Shuttle Trainer; the spacious Side Gallery suitable for receptions or dinners with dancing and interactivity; and the fighter aircraft wing is a two-floor space featuring dramatic, interactive exhibits highlighting twenty-eight WWI and WWII fighter planes.

Always FREE parking and Wi-Fi. Special tours can be arranged for your group.


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